For Job Seekers: How to Make a Well-Designed Business Card

Business CardYou might be wondering, “How can I use a business card if I got laid off, if I don’t have a business anymore, or if I don’t even have a job title to put on the card?” Thus, you might not immediately perceive the benefits of having well-designed business cards.


Sometimes people fail to see the advantages of having a business card at all. You see, business cards can be handed out to people you encounter outside of the work context, including social or community events. People need to start thinking that business cards are not just for business purposes, but can also for personal use. It may help to think of it as a “calling card” or a “personal card” – not just exclusively for business.

Now, how do you create a well-designed business card? How do you make it look like you’re ready to offer your services? Again, think of it as a personal card or a mini-resume when considering its possible contents.

Here are a few ideas when making a business card:

  1. Be creative and expressive. It’s your card: you are the company, the product, and the brand. You create your own logo, you select the design, and you even choose what colors and fonts to use. So, be creative and express who you really are on that card. If you like it simple, then make it simple and use your minimalist design skills. If you want it to be fabulous and extraordinary, then make it look like that. After all, it’s yours and not somebody else’s. A business card can say a lot about you.
  2. Use a descriptive title. The choice of whether to skip the job title or include it is yours. If you are unemployed, then use a title that would describe your skills but don’t relate it to any particular organization. For example, you can put “Experienced Banking Executive” instead of “Vice President of ABC Co.” Likewise, you can also put your degree or MBA to highlight your accomplishments. Don’t use any organization that is no longer connected to you. Instead, create a job title that’s catchy enough to describe you and your skills and abilities.
  3. Use at least one social networking site. As a job seeker, you are supposed to use at least one social networking site (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) in order to show that you are active and well-connected online. Better yet, have an account on each of the major networking sites.
  4. Don’t forget the important details. Of course, the business card should include your name, your contact details (phone number and e-mail address), and the URLs for your social network profiles. However, you need to monitor the content of your profiles and adjust your privacy settings so that potential employers won’t see anything inappropriate.
  5. Make it neat and tidy. Even though you’re free to do what you please since it’s your personal/business card, you still have to make it neat and tidy. Don’t use too many colors or fonts. Stick to one style or theme. Make it look professional.
  6. Create a separate account. If you want to have an organized job search, set up another e-mail account, telephone number, Facebook and Twitter account for your employment-related communications and put the job-focused information on your business card instead of the personal one.

Business cards enable you to convey a professional image while encouraging people to contact you. Distribution of business cards is restricted to potential employers; they can be given to anyone who might be able to help you in your job search. By offering a business card, you’re taking the initiative and showing the world that you’re ready to start working today.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.