American Job Interviews for Multilingual Candidates

American Job Interviews for Multilingual Candidates If English is not your first language, you may be intimidated about answering questions confidently during a job interview. Don’t worry! You can still beat other candidates by following these tips and tricks.


Preparation is the key. Do your part in order to keep your nerves from taking over. If you are not normally that confident when conversing in English, here are some tips to help out:

1. Promote yourself.

It may be difficult to promote your personal brand, but selling yourself effectively is important in order to grab the attention of the recruiter.

To do this, evaluate yourself and have a clear understanding of what makes you the best candidate for the job. Match your skills with the job description and think of the skills you can offer for the benefit of the company.

If you can’t organize your thoughts easily, you can write them down first on a piece of paper in order to clarify and properly describe your points. After you’ve drafted your speaking points, say them all out loud in a natural and likable way to become more comfortable.

2. Speaking the Language

If you are having a hard time with your speaking skills, you can take a variety of exams online for help with problem areas. There are a number of ESL sites with interview vocabulary lists and sample interview dialogues.

You can also ask a native speaker for help. You can practice dialogues with a buddy or two just to get the feel of speaking in English. Take note of your mistakes and rephrase your answers if your responses are too lengthy. Be sure to speak clearly so that you don’t risk losing the attention of your interviewer. (As reassurance, know that this rule appliesto everyone.)

3. Practice With the Accent

Don’t be too worried that your accent may distract from establishing a strong rapport. Keep in mind that it’s perfectly fine to have an accent as long as your answers are easy to understand.

When you’re nervous, focus on speaking slowly and clearly. Take deep breaths and slow your thoughts down as you’re answering questions. (Again, if you’re feeling really unsteady, having a buddy to assess you will be a great help.)

4. Body Language

Take note of your non-verbal communication. Good non-verbal communication is critical to a positive first impression and establishing a good connection with your interviewer. Practice building your confidence at least a few days before the interview to keep your hands from shaking when you enter the room. Make sure you sit up straight—slouching can make your voice sound shaky and weak.

Follow these tips to keep the interview butterflies out of your stomach for good!


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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.