5 Interview Danger Signs: When Not to Accept the Job Offer

Interview Danger SignsNo matter how much you are in need of a job, you should still consider whether the job will do you any good or not. If you detected too many red flags, maybe you ought to think twice about accepting the position. So, here are some tips to help you decide when to turn down a job offer.

When they want you to start as soon as possible. Though it might be a good thing to work in a new environment immediately, it can also be unprofessional to do so if you still need to wrap things up with your previous employer. It’s possible that the previous employee suddenly left the job post, leaving you with piles of work to do once you get started.

It’s perfectly okay to ask for more time to settle your issues with your current boss before leaving your post and transferring to a new one. Asking you to leave your previous employer hastily and on bad terms is definitely a bad sign.

The employer keeps hiring new people for the job. If the position has a high turnover rate, there might be something wrong with the company. Is their system unorganized? Is the salary too low? Is the job difficult to manage? Do your research and know what you’re getting into before accepting the offer. You don’t want to make the mistake of signing up for something you’re not really prepared for.

Endless duties beyond the job description. Does the employer ask you to get him coffee every morning? Perhaps you’re assigned to supervise a team you’re not really responsible for. If you think you’ll be asked to perform an inordinate number of unrelated tasks, you might want to consider rejecting the offer.

Hiring on the spot. You may be pleased to learn that you’re being hired the same day you were interviewed. However, this should also concern you, since top employers generally take time to decide when selecting new employees.

If this happens to you, let the recruiter know that you need some time to think before accepting the position. This will give you an opportunity to do your research on the company’s background and find out why the employer is so eager to hire you so hastily.

Disorganized interviewer. Be sure to observe the interviewer while you answer his or her questions. Is he asking coherent questions that pertain to the job position? Is he handling the meeting in a professional manner? If he or she cannot provide concrete details about the job, feel free to ask someone in the company instead. This will help you get a sense of what you’re really getting into.

Sometimes, it all comes down to your instinct. If you smell something fishy about the interviewer or the company, it may be time to bail. If you’re not feeling enthusiastic upon leaving the interview room, keep your options open and continue looking a job that will bring you fulfillment in the long term.

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Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.