How to Handle Interview Curve Balls Like a Pro

How to Handle Interview Curve Balls Like a ProAn interview is a conversation and an exchange of information, so it’s important to learn all you can about the company, and thoroughly contemplate and practice illustrating what you can offer the company before you enter the room. The more prepared you are, the easier it can be to manage your anxiety level.

Once you have been invited for an interview, find out its format and how much time you should allot for the scheduled meeting. Don’t forget to find out who will be present in the interview. And ask whether you need to bring anything specific with you.

You can view LinkedIn profiles of employees and check for employee reviews on Glassdoor to get an idea of how the company treats its employees. Speak with insiders if you can to find out more about the organization.

Here are some unique interview situations you should be aware of:

Video Interviews

If you receive an email saying that your interview will be a video meeting, consider yourself lucky — you’ll know what you’re up against before the actual day.

Keep in mind with video interviewing (just as in person) that you need to look and sound good during the meeting. Make sure the technology being used is reliable and make sure you have a solid Internet connection to avoid encountering errors during the interview.

Check if you have added the necessary contact on your messenger platform and perform a test run with a friend to practice. Remember to look at the camera instead of your computer screen, and complete any computer updates necessary, well before the interview. (Automatic updates can be a major disruption.)

Thirty minutes before the meeting, test your video and audio settings to check their quality. Find a perfect spot and make the background as neat as possible.

Meeting with Several People

Walking into a room filled with several people can be intimidating, but finding out beforehand who your interviewers will be can help. If you aren’t able to find out or the format has changed due to an unforeseen circumstance, choose to face the challenge with confidence. Rise to the occasion and greet each person with a smile as you extend your hand to introduce yourself.

Rescheduled Interview

Interviews can be rescheduled due to illness or some sort of emergency. When this happens, show empathy and accommodate the change. If you’re disappointed or frustrated, don’t let it show —no matter how much effort you’ve put in.

Being prepared for different interview scenarios will help you arm yourself better against interview-based nerves. Always remember that even the best-laid plans can go off course. Know how to take and roll with the punches, and you’ll stand out among the rest.

Read 4895 times Last modified on Thursday, 11 February 2016 19:21
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.