Interview Question: What Role Do You Prefer When Working on a Project?

Role in a ProjectHearing this question may surprise you and put you in a difficult spot. To avoid this, prepare an answer for this specific question to avoid feeling the jitters on interview day.

How to Handle the Question

No matter what your role is, make sure your response illustrates your capability to work in any circumstance. To back it all up, cite examples of your past working experiences that produced excellent results. Doing this will helps show the interviewer that you can take on any role, no matter how small or big the responsibility. Knowing when to be a leader and how to follow directions is a plus.

What Not to Do

Do not entirely shift your focus to leadership during the interview. At the same time, don’t just emphasize the instances where you’ve acted as a team member. There should always be balance between the two.

Avoid mentioning conflicts that arose from team efforts in the past. This can affect perception. Focusing on negativity is always a no-no, especially if you want to leave a positive impression.

No matter how comfortable you are in working alone, do not focus on the fact that you prefer to work alone. Some companies may find this useful, but you’ll never know until you’re in the field with your fellow workers. Keep your answers short and professional as much as you can.

Confidence is Needed

Even if you’ve got all the skills and the right background for the job, you’ll never be noticed by your potential employer if you don’t have enough confidence to face the hiring manager during the interview.

Sure, going to an interview is indeed scary. However, you must overcome this fear by practicing and preparing at home. You can draft some answers and try to practice them in front of the mirror. Perhaps you can call a friend or mentor to help you.

Keep in mind that confidence doesn’t give you the license to be cocky. Do not brag about what you’ve achieved in life. Your accomplishments will make the point. Remember to kick your ego out the door before coming in. This will leave a more positive image when the job interview is over.

The tips listed above should be of help to you, especially when encountering difficult interview questions such as this.

Read 6739 times Last modified on Friday, 12 February 2016 10:30
Alan Carniol

Alan is the creator of Interview Success Formula, a training program that has helped more than 80,000 job seekers to ace their interviews and land the jobs they deserve. Interviewers love asking curveball questions to weed out job seekers. But the truth is, most of these questions are asking about a few key areas. Learn more about how to outsmart tough interviewers by watching this video.